I'm a native Floridian who has spent the major part of my life in Orlando and currently enjoy being a local artist, designer, and arts advocate. I was educated first by my mother, Vicki Jones, who is also a local artist, and then formally at the University of Central Florida. Go Knights!
My favorite subjects are people and zoomorphism, something I like to refer to as anti-portraits. Although my mediums vary, I'm known mostly for my colored pencil and gesso works.
I've spent a good deal of time volunteering and serving the community in various ways: I support local arts through active memberships in the Orlando Museum of Art, the Cornell Museum, the Maitland Art & History Museum, AIGA Orlando, and the Florida Chalk Artists Association.
Volunteering as Lead Field Ambassador at Urban ReThink, I created and hosted collide•scope, an interactive, goal-oriented, educational, and inspiring bi-monthly event in that space downtown.
Volunteering as Lead Field Ambassador at Urban ReThink, I created and hosted collide•scope, an interactive, goal-oriented, educational, and inspiring bi-monthly event in that space downtown.
I've had the honor to serve twice on the United Arts of Central Florida grants panel, assisting the organization with awarding grants to individual artists with my fellow jurors. I've also juried several art competitions, one of my favorites being an ecologically-oriented exhibition for Orange County that the one-and-only Terry Olson invited me to judge.
I have been the marketing chair for The Associates of the Orlando Museum of Art, and have served on the curating committee for many years, also chairing many 1st Thursday events there. I served for over nine years as the Visual Fringe Producer (2002-2011 events) with The Orlando Fringe Festival, and continue to serve as seasonal support staff.

"Something as intangible as a thought, a laugh or an emotion, made tangible: this, to me, is the alchemy of art. Perhaps dealing with the fear of loss led me to want to ‘keep’ a moment in time. Any given moment may contain beauty, but this beauty is fleeting; everything constantly moves and changes. And so, as an image in memory may evanesce, an image created from it can be enjoyed long after."
I'm an ENFJ-A
All images ©2024 Copyright Anna McCambridge • All Rights Reserved