I'm a native Floridian who has spent the major part of my life in Orlando, and currently enjoy being a local artist, designer and arts advocate. I was educated first by my mother, Vicki Jones, who is also a local artist, and then formally at the University of Central Florida. Go Knights!
My favorite subjects are people and zoomorphism, something I like to refer to as anti-portraits. Although my mediums vary, I'm known mostly for my colored pencil and gesso works. 
I've spent a good deal of time volunteering and serving the community in various ways: I support local arts through active memberships in the Orlando Museum of Art, the Cornell Museum, the Maitland Art & History Museum, AIGA Orlando, and the Florida Chalk Artists Association.

I have volunteered as Lead Field Ambassador at Urban ReThink, where I created and hosted collide•scope, an interactive, educational, and inspiring bi-monthly event in that space downtown. I served on the curating committee and the marketing chair for The Associates of the Orlando Museum of Art for many years, also chairing many 1st Thursday events there. I served for over nine years as the Visual Fringe Producer (2002-2011 events) with The Orlando Fringe Festival, and continue to serve as seasonal support staff.
"Something as intangible as a thought, a laugh or an emotion, made tangible: this, to me, is the alchemy of art. Perhaps dealing with the fear of loss led me to want to ‘keep’ a moment in time. Any given moment may contain beauty, but this beauty is fleeting; everything constantly moves and changes. And so, as an image in memory may evanesce, an image created from it can be enjoyed long after."
I'm an ENFJ-A
All images ©2024 Copyright Anna McCambridge • All Rights Reserved
Portrait above by Ryan Price
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